Links for learning

Morgan County Library people who read books live many lives, others live only one life.
Morgan County Schools 
keep continual encouragement  of curiosity and learning.
Morgan County Partnership 
engages, educates and empowers youth. 
Morgan Arts Council 
keeps putting ART out there – – in all of its forms.
Morgan County USA has news items of interest to Morgan County residents. 
Morgan County Solid Waste Authority 
arranges convenient recycling for the community.
Morgan County Planning Commission 
guides and coordinates community growth.
Morgan County Chamber of Commerce
 guides and coordinates community growth.
Museum of the Berkeley Springs
 exhibits geology, history and culture of the area.
Senior Life Services of Morgan County brings older people together.
Starting Points provides paths to independent, healthy, and stable family life.
Sleepy Creek Watershed works to improve the environment.
Warm Springs Watershed 
works to improve the environment.
Travel Berkeley Springs brings visitors to the community.
WVU Extension Service puts knowledge at your doorstep.
National Library of Medicine [PubMed] searches topics in 33 million biomedical reports!

revised October, 2021